Friday 2 August 2013

[IMPORTANT]: Anderson NDP 2013

First off, let's begin this post with an applause!! :-) Really really good job today!! :D You all did put in effort, I can tell!

Next, take note of the following details; 

On Monday 5/8/13,
Practice at Parade Square or other respective places. 
Report to Guides' Den at 2pm. Practice will end sharply at 3.30pm. 
As the other Secondary 3s will be busy with O Levels Chemistry S.P.A, Abigail ma'am will be the overall I/C. 
Sec 3s who will be free (No S.P.A), please volunteer to assist Abigail!
Wear P.E shirt with P.E shorts. Bring your gloves, hat & water bottle! Have your lunch first.

On Wednesday, 7/8/13 (Actual NDP): 

Report to school, outside Guides' Den at 6.15AM. 
Do not be late.
At 6.15AM, there will be an attire check by Guiders. We expect all attire to be up to standard. 
Eat your breakfast before coming. (Important)
All necessary items must be polished (I.E Your boots & Trefoil.)

Here is a list of items you have to bring/put on:
- Full Uniform (with required badges!)
- Belt
- Whistle
- Hat
- Gloves
- Boots (well polished) with black socks.
- Hair neatly braided or pinned.
- Scarf (Well ironed)

We will be particularly stringent on the attire this time around. Make sure it's properly worn.

Before Wednesday, have a good rest (Sleep by 10pm). Meanwhile, this weekend, do take some time to polish your boots (as you've heard, it takes a while to be shiny). I will try to update the blog on a tutorial on how to polish it properly. Before that, make sure you polish your trefoil (check tutorial/ask seniors if unsure).

Remind yourself that the BIG DAY is going to be here! And that you're always representing Guides, so make sure you put in your 100000000000000% effort!!

Take good care of yourselves, drink more water, eat more, sleep more.... Don't end up sounding like me and Rachel Ma'am. :-)

It's just a few more days left! Let's show them what Guides is made up of!! :D

Yours In Guiding
Hui Hui

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