Wednesday 21 August 2013

23/8/13 session

Dear Guides

All North Division prize winners are reminded to meet in the canteen at 7.15AM SHARP in Full School Uniform + Tie for Prize Presentation tomorrow (22/8).

Please take note of the following for the upcoming Guides Session on Friday:

- Report outside Guides' Den at 2.15PM sharp.
- Half U (Polo Tee + Skirt). All required articles to be on. We expect to see all uniform up to standard during Opening.
- Bring all testworks/ Proficiency Badges related materials. 
- Dismissal will be on time if everyone cooperates and work fast together.
- Sec 2 Guides to prepare for discussion of Chalet.
- Sec 2s who are interested in September PLTC to inform us.
- Fusion Dancers, please return your dance costumes by Friday. 

We will also be getting names for Guides interested in Open House Yeoman on 23 November 2013, a Saturday. Please actively volunteer for it as we need around 50 Guides to help out. 2 training sessions will be held at AVT on 1/11 & 8/11 respectively.

I hoped all of you enjoyed today's initiative. Here are some pictures :D

Yours In Guiding
Hui Hui

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