Wednesday 17 July 2013

19/7/13 Session

Dear Guides

On this Friday, we will be participating in the NDP rehearsal with the other UGs as well, just like today.

Today was generally okay, but I really really need all of you to put in more effort in your attire as we are representatives of Girl Guides (I cannot emphasize this enough). We need to wear our blue uniform with pride. Please remember to polish your trefoils, by rubbing them on a cloth with a few dabs/squirts of toothpaste for at least 7-8 times. Start dabbing new toothpaste once the 'old' dabs have turned bluish-black. (For best effect, I really recommend this brand)

It works better than Darlie or Colgate (try not to use those as your seniors have reported cases where their gold trefoil turned to white. Guess those whitening effects did work!). Rinse your trefoil under running tap water and wipe dry after you have done polishing it with toothpaste. I am currently using this brand for about 3 years now, and my bottle is still unfinished! It costs less than 4 dollars if I remembered correctly. 

Otherwise, you can also polish your trefoil using metal polish. I have also heard lemons work on the metal material of our trefoil as well, hence you may try it. Make sure it's really sparkly gold, since this badge is our most important badge on our uniform!

Guides, also make sure that your shoes are white (especially those Guides that have been pointed out today). Skirts that go WAY OVER your knees may be altered. The best way to know if the skirt is too long/too short is to kneel down with it. If you kneel with the skirt covering your knees but touching the ground, it is okay. If not, please do something about it. If you are still unsure, please look for your seniors.

Please also get yourself familiarized on how to tie your scarf. Instructions can be found on the GGS website.

Take note of the deadlines for submissions of Proficiency Badges and Testwork and NYAA as well. Ask for extension if you really need more time. Keep in mind that these badges are crucial for our PNA points.

Otherwise, please take note of the following details for Friday's meeting:

Report in P.E shirt + Guide Skirt (with whistle and belt)
Shoes to be white (Whiten if needed) and socks to be visible.
Shoe laces should also be tucked in as well. No loops and loose laces should be dangling out
Bring fully filled water bottles and assemble at 2.45pm at Guides' Den for Attire Check, Attendance Taking and Briefing.

****Eat before CCA starts.****

Since you have more time on Friday, I do not wish to see any Guide in improper attire. Meanwhile, those who are not interested for the Cambodia Trip, do return your forms. Please also remember to text me your shoe size for the boots we are buying, by tomorrow (Thursday)!

I hope all of you had a fruitful session today, and rest well.

Yours In Guiding,
Hui Hui

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