Thursday 27 January 2022

28/01/2022 session

Hello Guides

Please report outside the Guides den in your maroon CCA tee with PE shorts at 1.30pm tomorrow. Do bring along your water bottle, thermometer, writing materials and art materials. We expect everyone to be punctual tomorrow. Thank you!

Yours in Guiding,

Sunday 23 January 2022

24/01/2022 session

Hello Guides

Please report outside the Guides den in your full Guides uniform with your polished boots with two French braids, black socks (bring along your white canvas shoes), belt and whistle at 3.30pm tomorrow. We expect all of you to be in appropriate attire with relevant articles and put on your best behaviour and performance for tomorrow's Enrolment. Please revise on the procedure. Thank you :)

Yours in Guiding,


Thursday 20 January 2022

21/01/2022 session

Hello Guides

Please report outside the Guides den in your half Guides uniform with white canvas shoes, belt and whistle at 1.30pm tomorrow. Bring along your water bottle, thermometer, extra masks, writing materials, notebook and song book. Thank you :)

Yours in Guiding,


Sunday 16 January 2022

17/01/2022 session

Hello Guides

Please report outside the Guides den in your half Guides uniform (maroon CCA tee and skirt) with white canvas shoes, belt and whistle at 3.15pm tomorrow. For Sec 2 Guides, please report in maroon CCA tee with PE shorts. Bring along your water bottle, thermometer, extra masks, and song book. Thank you :)

Yours in Guiding,

Thursday 13 January 2022

14/01/2022 session

Hello Guides

Please report outside the Guides den in your half Guides uniform with white canvas shoes, belt and whistle at 1.30pm tomorrow. For Sec 2 Guides, please report in maroon CCA tee with PE shorts. Bring along your water bottle, thermometer, extra masks, writing and art materials with paper. Thank you :)

Yours in Guiding, 